The Poopy Cat Dolls - a campaign that was full of it.
This is one of the most fun things I've done at TBWA. Sometimes a client comes in and just wants to conquer the world on a shoestring. In this case he walked in carrying a bland looking cardboard box, a smart product idea -a disposable, biodegradable litter box - and the name Poopy Cat. He left with a logo and payoff (They're full of it), box designs, website and a hit diva group made up out of cats. They sang and danced their way into global media attention, without a cent of support. Unfortunately, they had a falling out after a public catfight on Twitter. Yes, the shoot was like herding cats - don’t even get me started on getting them to remember their lines. So, here's their hit video with the song that I wrote together with composer Siem Schellevis.